Walker Karl Banks was born on August 12, 2008 at 5:46 am. He was 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long. He came about a week before his due date, which was what I was praying for, but when labor did come I decided i wanted to wait another week for this. Too bad! He was coming whether I was ready or not. He came with a little bit of a surprise. My doctor had told me at my last check up that he was head down, but when I got to the hospital after my water broke he was coming arm first! What a stinker!!! Already making things difficult. So, I had to face a c-section. Which I won't lie was a huge let down, but I definitely wanted him here and safe so I swallowed my pride and we went for it. For some reason the on call doctor didn't want to come until 5 in the morning. I was there at 2 in the morning and OF COURSE my doctor was on vacation. So, I sat there for 3 hours dealing with meaningless contractions (he was coming out c-section anyways), but I figured I wanted to experience the contractions for a little while so I didn't feel completely jipped. By the way--I find myself pretty lucky doing it c-section because those three hours of contractions were hell. Kudos to those of you who dealt with them for a much longer time. So...he came. He is perfectly healthy!! Marshall and I just love him to death. The first week has DEFINITELY been rough. I guess it will just take time to get the hang of this 24/7 responsibility. He's a good little guy though. Anyways... here's some pics!
Genius (2015)
9 years ago
He is sooo cute and I am glad he is here and I am glad you are feeling better and oh wait........I think Walker misses me. I better come visit again! :)
CONGRATS you guys! He is so handsome! Bummer on the c-section, I hope you are healing ok and baby Walker is the cutest thing ever!
yeah, we love him so much!!!
Oh love the little guy SOOOO much!!!!! Love you too!!!
Congrats! I can't believe you have a baby! I remember when we were kids and now we get to have kids of our own!
I love looking at that little guy. He is so handsome. I'm glad he is here. I thought he was coming feet first. Glad I read the blog. You are great!
good thing i saw you at the bridal shower or i would never ever had seen this little guy. what a beautiful baby! congratulations and good luck!
Hello! It's paige! we have some free time so i thought I'd check your blog! Baby Walker is so cute! i wish i could see him in person. I love you guys and miss you so much and can't wait until i get to come home and see you! Good luck with evetything! I love you!
He is so cute!!! I love the picture of him on your shoulder! He looks so happy to be in your arms!
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